Autism Social Worker: How They Can Help

Have you ever struggled with setting up appointments for doctors, therapists, or insurance for your child on the autism spectrum? Does that leave you concerned about what will happen to them when you can no longer advocate for them? That’s where an autism social worker comes into play. Whether it’s making sure those with an

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Autism Transitions and How to Manage Them

Life is filled with transitions — be it changing schools, moving to a new home, shifting careers, or experiencing the loss of a parent. These shifts are inherent in our journey, shaping our experiences and guiding us through various stages of life. However, for people with autism, transitions can be a lot harder to manage. 

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Is There Such a Thing as 'Female Autism'?

Since autism is a spectrum disorder, it can be difficult to pinpoint specifics when it comes to differences among people. But is there a difference between male and female autism?  To specify gender differences when talking about autism can be difficult because they can exist outside the context of gender alone. Since people are so

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10 Tips on How to Calm an Autistic Child

When autistic children start feeling overwhelmed, parents and teachers are always looking for tips on how to calm an autistic child. Since behaviors that are associated with autism can vary, it can be tricky to figure out the best calming strategies. Behaviors can range from refusing to listen and participate to self-injurious behaviors that can

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Autism and Christmas Ornaments: What You Must Know

As Christmas approaches, parents know that for their child diagnosed with autism, Christmas ornaments, activities, Christmas trees, and more can bring excitement for some and anxiety for others. So, what are some ways to make Christmas ornaments more autism-friendly? The Christmas ornament has a long-standing history for many people worldwide and throughout history. For many,

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